Byaombe, the latest rescue from the CRPL

2023-02-19T18:52:07+01:00Friday, 24 July, 2020|

The little baby who was rescued last week by the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre is called Byaombe, he arrived with a generalised infection, anaemia and parasites. He is under intravenous treatment (imagine what it means in terms of 24h care) and he is improving but very slowly. He does not have much appetite. He is [...]


All numbers for the SOSlidary raffle are SOLD OUT

2023-02-19T18:49:39+01:00Friday, 24 July, 2020|

All the numbers for the SOSlidario raffle are sold out. Organised by SOS Primates and it will be held next Monday 27th July with the ONCE draw. The prizes are: -Large African mask -Talking Chimpanzee cuddly toy -DVD "Copito: the only albino gorilla" and up to 10 more objects that you can see in the [...]


World Chimpanzee Day celebration

2023-08-14T08:52:14+01:00Friday, 17 July, 2020|

On the 15th of July SOS Primates was at the Barcelona Zoo together with other non-governmental organisations that protect primates in our country and beyond our borders. We have distributed information, collected donations to continue helping the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre (CRPL), Lwiro Primates with the living expenses of the more than 200 orphaned primates [...]


The SOS Primates Christmas lottery is now available!

2023-08-14T08:55:48+01:00Tuesday, 14 July, 2020|

The SOS Primates Christmas lottery is now available! Just like last year, 2'50 euros will be invested in the Christmas lottery, number 50967, and 50 cents as a donation for our NGO, which will go entirely to the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre (CRPL), Lwiro Primates, to help with the living expenses of the little ones, [...]


World Chimpanzee Day

2023-08-24T18:22:10+01:00Monday, 13 July, 2020|

Tomorrow is World Chimpanzee Day, and SOS Primates will be at Barcelona Zoo together with other organisations that protect primates in different countries, to raise awareness about their protection and to find out what each of us can do to help in their conservation. From 10am we will near the “Dama del paraigüa” sculpture with [...]


Article about SOS Primates and how to help

2023-09-08T23:03:17+01:00Tuesday, 7 July, 2020|

Today we thank 2 young students, friends with each other and united by books. They read, they review, they share their experience and assessment between books, and they do interviews. They have dedicated one of their blog entries to our NGO, after talking to some of the members of SOS Primates. It all adds up, [...]
