You have until Novem­ber 29th to visit the “Mon­keys: A His­tory of Pri­ma­tes” exhi­bi­tion (in Bar­ce­lo­na) which shows the diver­sity of spe­cies, their rela­tionship with us, their beha­viour and how we can help save them from extin­ction.  The­re are 60 natu­ral spe­ci­mens under the care of spe­cia­lists from the Natio­nal Museum of Scotland, as well as other edu­ca­tio­nal resour­ces. It inclu­des Mon­tse­rrat Pallàs’ pho­to exhi­bi­tion, ins­pi­red by primates.

As a mark of the colla­bo­ra­tion we began some time ago, SOS Pri­ma­tes is pre­sent and you can get to know our work hel­ping a pri­ma­te res­cue cen­tre, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in the Congo.

Many thanks to the orga­ni­sa­tion for allo­wing us to be pre­sent and for hel­ping us to rai­se money from the figu­ri­nes and crafts made in the Con­go. Make the most of this as this is the last week!