We bring you a very spe­cial cam­paign becau­se tho­se of us who foun­ded SOS Pri­ma­tes have grown up with the illus­tra­ted books of Pila­rín Bayés. Who would have thought that one day we would colla­bo­ra­te with her.

Pila­rín has lent us some ori­gi­nal illus­tra­tions and we have made some very cool T‑shirts, which repre­sent a small orphan pri­ma­te from the CPRL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, as well as a poster sho­wing the work of its carers. An exclu­si­ve copy of this poster will be inclu­ded in the next spe­cial Christ­mas raffle.

Pila­rín was born in Vic (Bar­ce­lo­na) in 1941, stu­died Fine Arts and published her first story in 1964. Sin­ce then, more than 765 books have been trans­la­ted into 8 lan­gua­ges, and countless publi­ca­tions, exhi­bi­tions and dra­wings in all kinds of formats.

In another post, we will thank the team that has made the cam­paign pos­si­ble, but you can already start orde­ring your T‑shirt for a dona­tion of only 10 euros.

Orders and infor­ma­tion at info@sosprimates.org