Some peo­ple who help us want to remain anony­mous. We like to put a face on them but we res­pect that, of cour­se. This is the case of an ani­mal lover who has won­der­ful hands for crafts. We belie­ve that she should do this pro­fes­sio­nally, but at the moment she only does it for fun for SOS Pri­ma­tes. Her latest work were the­se frid­ge mag­nets made of felt, enti­rely by hand, which come in a little fol­der made from Tetra Brik car­tons, bread wrap­ping paper, felt, and a lot of love. A great exam­ple of recy­cling. The little orphans “Mazin­gi­ra” and “Tan­gany­ka”, from the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, tam­bién le dan las gracias.

If you would like to have one, you can order it at for a dona­tion of 7 euros. The­re are three types: gori­lla, chim­pan­zee and orangutan.