Bastet Ethnic Dance Spectacle

2022-04-27T06:29:07+01:00Wednesday, 27 April, 2022|

Last Saturday, April 23rd, Jadeth and her Bastet Ethnic Dance Company inaugurated a spectacle in collaboration with SOS Primates. It's currently presented in the Paco de Lucía auditorium(in Alcalá de Henares. It's called "Mother Earth", in honor of our planet. The show teaches us a vital lesson; the importance of conserving [...]


SOSlidary Sant Jordi

2022-04-18T10:25:13+01:00Monday, 18 April, 2022|

Do you want to help CRPL, Lwiro Primates, orphan chimps like ' Kyungu' and 'Ujasiri'? You can do so by ordering a keylock or a bookmark made by our volunteers; Almu Hernández and Jennifer Izquierdo. Also, you can purchase solidary roses, that are handmade from an ecological material(not plastic). You can also reserve one for [...]


SOSlidary Roses

2022-04-18T10:22:28+01:00Monday, 18 April, 2022|

Next April 23rd it'll be Sant Jordi, a special day for SOS Primates. That's why on this date, our NGO will be in Barcelona, in two zones. In the Plaça Comercial( in the area of Born),  and in the Barcelona Zoo. Here you can purchase your rose( or reserve it previously) for only 3'50 euros as a [...]


Webmaster requiered

2022-04-18T10:21:03+01:00Monday, 18 April, 2022|

We're looking for someone that can manage our website and corporative mail. A person knowledgeable of administration, hosting management, security, backing up of information, and WordPress. SOS Primates is an NGO created in 2012 to help rescue centers and sanctuaries of primates. Its founders were implicated also in the Center of Rehabilitation of Primates of [...]


SOSlidary Books

2022-05-03T06:59:19+01:00Monday, 18 April, 2022|

In Sant Jordi, you can also gift our NGO solidary books. Authors of several books will offer us part of their profits gathered from each book sold. They have diverse themes. First, there's a children's book on how to educate well their dog friend. Then one that talks about how sometimes we can harm animals [...]


SOSlidary June Raffle

2022-04-16T09:20:13+01:00Saturday, 16 April, 2022|

So that SOS Primates can continue to help Limbe Wildlife Centre, in Cameroon. This center gives shelter to confiscated chimps, like 'Papa' ( in the photo), the second male in the group hierarchy. The prize includes: - Stuffed animal of a primate - Handmade orangutan from coconut - Backpack/Pack - Gifted mug from Sweettrufa4 - Handmade necklace [...]


SOSlidary Transport

2022-04-17T19:17:29+01:00Monday, 4 April, 2022|

If you know somebody who will be traveling from Barcelona to Cantabria, Seville or Tenerife or from Madrid to Seville in the upcoming days, please, contact us at or from here. We require transport to send donations for free from SOS Primates to  Lwiro's Primate Rehabilitation Center (CRPL, Lwiro Primates), in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [...]
