So that SOS Primates can continue to help Limbe Wildlife Centre, in Cameroon. This center gives shelter to confiscated chimps, like ‘Papa’ ( in the photo), the second male in the group hierarchy.
The prize includes:
- Stuffed animal of a primate
— Handmade orangutan from coconut
— Backpack/Pack
— Gifted mug from Sweettrufa4
— Handmade necklace
— Handmade jewelry box
— Poster of Cat Ba Langur Project
— Book titled ‘Frente a frente’ ( from Frans Lanting)
— Mask made of wood
— Polo shirt ( for skate followers)
— Apron
— SOS Primates shirt made by Pilarín Bayés( for kids)
— Wool hat
— Dog scarf
The number that’ll receive the prize is the one that matches the last three digits of the first prize of the ONCE draw, which will be held on June 27th, 2022.
We already have 43 reservations. Don’t miss your chance at winning these prizes. Make your reservation for only 1 euro as a donation.
Requests and information at: