So that SOS Pri­ma­tes can con­ti­nue to help Lim­be Wild­li­fe Cen­tre, in Came­roon. This cen­ter gives shel­ter to con­fis­ca­ted chimps, like Papa ( in the pho­to), the second male in the group hierarchy.

The pri­ze includes:

- Stuf­fed ani­mal of a primate
— Hand­ma­de oran­gu­tan from coconut
— Backpack/Pack
— Gif­ted mug from Sweettrufa4
— Hand­ma­de necklace
— Hand­ma­de jewelry box
— Poster of Cat Ba Lan­gur Project
— Book titled ‘Fren­te a fren­te’ ( from Frans Lanting)
— Mask made of wood
— Polo shirt ( for ska­te followers)
— Apron
SOS Pri­ma­tes shirt made by Pila­rín Bayés( for kids)
— Wool hat
— Dog scarf

The num­ber tha­t’ll recei­ve the pri­ze is the one that mat­ches the last three digits of the first pri­ze of the ONCE draw, which will be held on June 27th, 2022.

We already have 43 reser­va­tions. Don’t miss your chan­ce at win­ning the­se pri­zes. Make your reser­va­tion for only 1 euro as a donation.

Requests and infor­ma­tion at: