World Gorilla Day

2022-09-30T07:48:05+01:00Saturday, 24 September, 2022|

Today is World Gorilla Day We hope that this day is a reminder for governments, institutions, and private entities to find a way to protect them. SOS Primates helps gorillas through the centers it collaborates with. The CRPL, Lwiro Primates works intensely with the Grauer gorillas from the National Park Kahuzi-Bieg. On various occasions, veterinarians have performed veterinary [...]


Volunteers for the Fira Animalista in Pallejà

2022-09-20T07:26:48+01:00Saturday, 17 September, 2022|

This Sunday will be held the animalistic fair in Pallejà (Barcelona), and we'll have to cancel our participation due to a lack of volunteers. We need 2 people that would desire to help us. The schedule is from  9'15h to 15h. The funds gathered are destined to help orphan primates like 'Kathe'(in the photo), who was rescued [...]


How to help SOS Primates?

2022-09-16T08:07:15+01:00Friday, 16 September, 2022|

There are many ways to help SOS Primates: from your home, in person, through crafts, sponsoring a chimp, joining our Teaming... Thanks to people like you we don't have to invest money in material delivery to other cities. You are the ones that help us distribute calendars, Christmas lotteries, or merchandise from our NGO. In the [...]


V Fira Animalista de Mataró

2022-09-06T07:16:51+01:00Tuesday, 6 September, 2022|

Today we were at the V Fira Animalista de Mataró 2022 (in Barcelona). There we placed our stand to give out information and gather funds for the primates of the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, like 'Etima' and 'Byaombe'( in the photos). Thank you so much to the organization SOS Animals Catalunya for [...]


International Primate Day Celebration

2022-09-06T07:14:42+01:00Tuesday, 6 September, 2022|

Today we celebrated International Primate Day(IPD, September 1st) in the Barcelona Zoo and the Zoo Aquarium de Madrid. It's been a hectic day, but we're glad to have shared information about SOS Primates and its compromise with CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thank you very much to those who approached our stand, to the [...]


International Primate Day and Fira animalista

2022-09-03T19:49:01+01:00Saturday, 3 September, 2022|

Today is the International Primate Day! We'd like to share an important reflection on this special day; how can you help primates? Not everything is about doing voluntary work in Africa or taking a course at home. A small gesture, like not changing the phone when a new model is out, is a big contribution. [...]
