Uniform shipments

2022-10-27T08:04:24+01:00Thursday, 27 October, 2022|

SOS Primates has been sending many uniform shipments from the workers at the Barcelona Zoo to different primate recovery centers and sanctuaries. If any of you do volunteer work at these places, don't hesitate to contact us so we can deliver you this material. After all, there are fixed funds in some centers , and [...]

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Become a teamer

2022-10-25T08:12:17+01:00Tuesday, 25 October, 2022|

Even though there are mostly primates in the CRPL, Lwiro Primates (in the Democratic Republic of Congo), this center still helps other species, like the red-tailed parrots. They are confiscated by authorities from poachers who try to send them to the southeast of Asia and sell them through the mafia of illegal animal trade. The CRPL [...]

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December SOSlidary Raffle

2022-10-27T07:55:32+01:00Thursday, 20 October, 2022|

Today we announce the last SOSlidary raffle of 2022. It will be celebrated Friday, December 23rd, and it depends on the last 3 digits of the ONCE raffle. The basket of objects is unique, and it includes wonderful crafts. They can all be yours for only 1 euro as a donation, though you can request as [...]

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Giving day for Apes

2022-10-17T07:43:29+01:00Monday, 17 October, 2022|

The Giving Day for Apes ended up being very successful for the CRPL, Lwiro Primates. There were about 780 donors who gathered a lot of donations. These donations can cover the food expenses of the center for 7 months. Thanks to our campaign, we collected 497 €. It's an amount that undoubtedly helps. Thanks to all of you who made it possible. [...]

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10th Anniversary of SOS Primates Dinner

2022-10-17T07:30:24+01:00Monday, 17 October, 2022|

If you are in Barcelona on the 5th of November and would like to spend time with us, come to our anniversary dinner. We celebrate 10 years of service in sanctuaries and primate rescue centers. We'll gather funds for the CRPL, Lwiro Primates (in the Democratic Republic of Congo). This center shelters more than 200 orphan primates, like [...]

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SOS Primates in the 7th ICZ and the 8th AICAS Congress

2022-10-12T17:56:40+01:00Sunday, 9 October, 2022|

The past week was hectic for SOS Primates. We placed a stand the entire week at the 7th International Congress of Zookeepers and the 8th of AICAS Zookeepers, in Barcelona.  There we handed out information and gathered funds thanks to the people that approached us. We'd like to thank all of them, and also the organization for permitting us [...]
