SOS Primates in the XLIII Fira de l’Arbre i la Natura

2023-03-26T13:08:20+01:00Sunday, 26 March, 2023|

On the first and second days of the next month, SOS Primates will be in Mataró, at the XLIII Fira de l'Arbre i la Natura. We've been invited by the organization as an NGO that helps nature and the local communities. We'll be giving out information and gathering funds for the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in [...]


Bringing uniforms to Uganda

2023-03-15T20:48:17+01:00Wednesday, 15 March, 2023|

The last December, nine people from SOS Primates visited Uganda on a natural tour to see the main national parks (Murchison Falls, Kibale, Queen Elisabeth, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Lake Mburo) and reserves ( like the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary) of the African country. They could witness marvelous species, like mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, leopards, [...]


Lwiro with the Local Community

2023-03-15T08:59:11+01:00Wednesday, 15 March, 2023|

The CRPL's,  Lwiro Primates, work wouldn't be complete if it didn't include the local community and the education to change the negative behaviors that damage the environment and primates. On this note, it's important to highlight how they organize with authorities. For example, in the picture, you can see the governor of South Kivu province visiting [...]


International Women’s Day

2023-03-14T17:54:05+01:00Tuesday, 14 March, 2023|

Happy International Women's Day to all women, especially those who help primates and other beings, whether they are human or not human. Also, we'd like to congratulate the volunteers, that manage to make the organization work. Photos: Caretaker Mireille holding 'Banalia' in its recovery process in the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, and two of our volunteers, Aurora [...]



2023-03-06T09:08:41+01:00Monday, 6 March, 2023|

Another example of solidarity is Chickyhobbit, a project created by Silvia Férnandez in 2010, for which she fabricates these handmade monkeys with socks. In this way, she helps SOS Primates by donating 15% of each one. These funds are destined to help the primates of the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, which shelters orphan primates like 'Tshopo'(in the [...]
