Today SOS Pri­ma­tes par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the V Fira Ani­ma­lis­ta de Cor­ne­llà, orga­ni­zed by Adacc Cor­ne­lla. We sha­red infor­ma­tion and gathe­red funds for the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in the DRCongo.

We’d like to thank the peo­ple that approa­ched us to meet us, the exce­llent orga­ni­za­tion, the Somn­Nia pels ani­mals asso­cia­tion that dona­ted money, and our volun­teers that made this pos­si­ble and are our grea­test trea­su­res: Auro­ra, Núria, Mòni­ca, Sara, Toni, and Raúl.

With the gathe­red funds we can keep sup­por­ting the reha­bi­li­ta­tion of pri­ma­tes like ‘Basi­le’, this red-tai­led gue­non that was tied by the waist with a rope that woun­ded him, as you can see in the picture.