
2023-07-25T12:49:39+01:00Tuesday, 25 July, 2023|

Thanks to the 70 sponsors of SOS Primates who contribute every month with a minimum of 5 euros to buy food for the little ones they sponsor (and for the rest of the primates housed in the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the DR Congo). If you want to sponsor one of these little ones, click [...]


Show Off Your SOSlidary Shirt Contest

2023-07-24T08:16:26+01:00Monday, 24 July, 2023|

Participate in the contest Show Off Your SOSlidary Shirt by sending a picture of yourself with an SOS Primates shirt. You could be the winner of the best photo (prize included). If you don't have a shirt, request one and we'll deliver it to you for 10 euros as a donation. With the gathered funds, we'll help the [...]


World Chimpanzee Day 2023

2023-07-18T09:06:30+01:00Tuesday, 18 July, 2023|

Today, because of the #WorldChimpanzeeDay, we have been in the Zoo Aquarium of Madrid and in the Barcelona Zoo gathering funds for the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, which shelters about 105 chimpanzees, for example, 'Kalima'. You can see photos of her before (when she arrived at the center) and after thanks to the care she receives there. [...]


Our calendar 2024

2023-07-07T09:06:57+01:00Friday, 7 July, 2023|

As you know, SOS Primates was founded primarily to help CRPL, Lwiro Primates, pues dos de los fundadores de nuestra ONG habían estado vinculados en diferentes periodos a dicho centro, colaborando in situ en diversas tareas.. That’s because two of our organisation’s founders had links with this centre at different times, collaborating on various in [...]


Link of the Numbers of the SOSlidary

2023-07-04T11:46:12+01:00Tuesday, 4 July, 2023|

Another threat that primates face is exploitation in the entertainment industry ( television, films, circuses, or photos with them prior to payment). They demand offspring for this, which is cruel due to the fact that said offspring are acquired by killing the mother or separating them from her at an early age so they are [...]


Volunteer with us

2023-07-04T11:43:08+01:00Tuesday, 4 July, 2023|

We have become astonished these days by the news that people in the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada pay money from their homes to torturers in Indonesia, so they hurt macaque offspring, and film the extremely brutal torture. We won’t play the films here, nor will share any images, because in SOS Primates we consider that [...]
