Due to the Mono­graph Cour­se about the mana­ge­ment and con­ser­va­tion of pri­ma­tes cele­bra­ted this wee­kend at the Zoo Aqua­rium de Madrid, SOS Pri­ma­tes was pre­sent with an infor­ma­tion stand at which the staff and visi­tors of the park could know about our work in the DRCon­go to sup­port the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, which shel­ters more than 200 orphan pri­ma­tes like this pre­cious one called ‘Kam­be­ge­ti’, from the spe­cies L’hoest Cercopithecus.

Today, Sun­day 26th, we’­re at the Par­la Adop­ta, whe­re we’ll also give a speech on the path of our NGO throughout the­se almost 11 years to help the CRPL and other res­cue centers.

We’ll be expec­ting you!