We’d like to thank the orga­ni­za­tions that have allo­wed us to gather funds for the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in the DRCon­go, which shel­ters more than 200 pri­ma­tes, some of them being De Braz­za’s mon­keys, named this way due to the phy­siog­nomy of their hea­d’s fur. You can see in the pho­to one of them called ‘Bra­za’.

Satur­day we were hos­ted by the Zoo Aqua­rium of Madrid during its mono­graph about pri­ma­tes. Thanks to the direc­tion and the Zoo’s wor­kers for their cons­tant collaboration.

Sun­day during the Par­la Adop­ta day the orga­ni­za­tion was exce­llent and we’d like to thank Mabel, from the Par­la Coun­cil for its colla­bo­ra­tion, and we value the visit of the mayor Ramón Jura­da to our stand.

Thank you to all of you who approa­ched us to meet us and help us 

Of cour­se, if it were­n’t for our grea­test trea­su­re, our volun­teers, it would not have been pos­si­ble. Thank you Nata­lia, Ana, María and Almu.

If you know about a city or muni­ci­pa­lity that allows us to pla­ce our stand, con­tact us at info@sosprimates.org