In the days of family and friend gathe­rings, the­re are always gifts invol­ved. You already know that you can request the cata­log of crafts fabri­ca­ted in the DRCon­go and other pro­ducts with which you can help the pri­ma­tes of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, at

Another exam­ple of our for­tu­ne although we did­n’t win the lot­tery thanks to the peo­ple who offer us their help: Mer­cè Cabre­ra offers us 20% of each book Ele­gi­dos por los dio­ses [Cho­sen by the Gods], a young adult novel of fic­tion and intensity.

Pur­cha­se yours for only a dona­tion of 15’30 €, and you’ll be con­tri­bu­ting to the res­cuing of more pri­ma­tes like ‘Sages­se’ (in the photo).

Thank you very much for your gene­ro­sity, Mercè!