Although most loca­tions are cold, we still sha­re the pho­tos of tho­se who have sent pic­tu­res with the SOS Pri­ma­tes’ shirts. By doing something so sim­ple as reques­ting a shirt for a dona­tion of 10 euros, you are hel­ping the orphan pri­ma­tes of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, like Mai­ko, in the photo.

Auro­ra and Pepa already have it and are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the con­test which we explain in the follo­wing link:­lu­ce-tu-cami­se­ta/

Request it at or even bet­ter, get it at the SOS­li­dary rock and roll con­cert Roc­kan­dA­ni­mals, which will help us tomo­rrow at Cor­ne­llà de Llo­bre­gat, Bar­ce­lo­na. The cost for each per­son is 5 euros which will be divi­ded bet­ween the 5 pro­tec­tors. We’ll have a stand to give you gift ideas for the Three Kings Day.

If you can’t assist, you can request Row Cero SOS­li­dary tic­kets through the follo­wing link:­mals-2023/

Pla­ce: Sala Padró, C/ Josep Torras i Bages, 62, Cor­ne­llà de Llobregat

Time: From 19 to 23h