Request Your SOSlidary Rose for Saint Jordi

2024-05-18T07:55:33+01:00Thursday, 18 April, 2024|

We'll be showing roses soon for the Saint Jordi holiday, April 23rd, in Barcelona, Paseo del Born, 30 Barcelona. You can either pick them up in person or request them previously and we'll try to offer you delivery service. Remember our roses are unique, handmade with natural materials, without plastic, and completely altruistic. All we [...]

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The Animalada Fair Comes to an End

2024-05-18T07:48:20+01:00Wednesday, 10 April, 2024|

Today we were in Premià de Mar, at the 3rd Animalada Fair, with our SOS Primates stand. There we provided information about our work to help CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the DRC, and to raise donations for the feeding of their over 200 orphans, among them Nishuli and Elikya, in the photo. We thank the [...]

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Winners from the Display Your Shirt Campaign

2024-04-08T08:23:07+01:00Monday, 8 April, 2024|

Yesterday we closed the "Display Your SOSlidary T-shirt" photo campaign, and as you can see in the graphics, the winners are Sol and Marc. Congratulations and thank you very much for participating! To the others, we also thank you for your participation and hope that all of you continue to [...]

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Check Your Number for the First Raffle of The Year

2024-04-08T08:21:30+01:00Monday, 8 April, 2024|

We have assigned all the numbers for the upcoming SOS Primates raffle, which will take place on Friday, April 5th. Look for your name and best of luck to everyone. The prize includes all the items you see in the photo. The winning number will be the one that matches the last 3 digits of [...]

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Cat Ba Langur Conservation Project Collaboration

2024-04-08T08:19:08+01:00Monday, 8 April, 2024|

We are pleased to announce that the campaign "This year we are collaborating with..." is for the Cat Ba Langur Conservation Project, which is dedicated to preserving one of the most endangered primates, the Cat Ba Langur. They only live on the island of the same name in Vietnam, where less than 100 individuals live. [...]

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Help required for the feria de Premià de Mar

2024-04-08T08:16:54+01:00Monday, 8 April, 2024|

Next Sunday, April 7th SOS Primates will attend the 3rd Animalada Feria Animalista de Premià de Mar, in the Barcelona province. We will require help to manage the stand that the organization gives us to inform about the primates 'situations and the work from the CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the DRCongo. As you can see, this center [...]

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Sad News From Lwiro

2024-04-08T08:14:43+01:00Monday, 8 April, 2024|

Today we have terrible news... Little Lubimbi has finally passed away. Despite the intensive care provided at CRPL, Lwiro Primates, in the DRCongo, the trauma and above all his health problems have taken their toll. The necropsy has shown various injuries that need further examination, but one has been very clear: hepatitis. R.I.P. Lulimbi, you [...]

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Do you know of any fair or market to set up our stand?

2024-04-04T11:12:13+01:00Thursday, 4 April, 2024|

Today the rain, so necessary in these times we are living, has not allowed the celebration of the Tree and Environment Fair in Mataró. However, our colleagues Núria, Estel, and Aurora have been at the forefront.  We appreciate their help and willingness. Tomorrow we will try again; we hope it rains all night tonight and that tomorrow [...]

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SOS Primates awarded by Sempervirens Mataró

2024-04-04T11:18:30+01:00Thursday, 4 April, 2024|

Yesterday we had a productive day at the 44th Tree and Environment Fair organized by the Sempervirens  Mataró association. We are very happy not only due to those who approached our stand but also because we received unexpectedly the 3rd Joan Itxart Award for good environmental practices. A pride for SOS Primates that materialized in a diploma [...]

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