Today the rain, so neces­sary in the­se times we are living, has not allo­wed the cele­bra­tion of the Tree and Envi­ron­ment Fair in Mata­ró. Howe­ver, our collea­gues Núria, Estel, and Auro­ra have been at the forefront. 

We appre­cia­te their help and willingness.

Tomo­rrow we will try again; we hope it rains all night tonight and that tomo­rrow many enti­ties can have a good day, after so much effort and pre­pa­ra­tion, inclu­ding SOS Pri­ma­tes.

If you know of any other muni­ci­pa­lity that orga­ni­zes events that we can attend, and if you want to help us (as we requi­re more aid), wri­te to All is orga­ni­zed to help the pri­ma­tes of CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, like Kyun­gu, in the photo.