Next Sun­day, April 7th SOS Pri­ma­tes will attend the 3rd Ani­ma­la­da Feria Ani­ma­lis­ta de Pre­mià de Mar, in the Bar­ce­lo­na province.

We will requi­re help to mana­ge the stand that the orga­ni­za­tion gives us to inform about the pri­ma­tes ‘situa­tions and the work from the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in the DRCongo.

As you can see, this cen­ter keeps recei­ving pri­ma­tes and buil­ding ins­ta­lla­tions, like this one for the Dia­de­med Monkey.

If you can be with us for a couple of hours, con­tact us at