ne of the ways you can help SOS Pri­ma­tes and the ani­mals we sup­port is through SOS­li­dary transport.

If you are going to make a trip by vehi­cle bet­ween Bar­ce­lo­na and Madrid in the upco­ming weeks, plea­se con­tact us here or at

We have achie­ved this countless times, as you can see in the pho­to (Car­les, who brought mate­rial from Madrid to Bar­ce­lo­na and deli­ve­red it to Raúl). We have saved trans­port costs so that everything we rai­se goes to the orpha­ned pri­ma­tes of CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, like Makasi.

Are­n’t we going to achie­ve it now, too?