She­rif­fe and Gen­ti­lle are the two oldest chim­pan­zees living at CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes. Both are around 35 years old, although the exact age of con­fis­ca­ted ani­mals born in the wild can­not be known with cer­tainty, and is esti­ma­ted based on den­ti­tion, size, and other details.

In a few years, they will need geria­tric care, although the­re is still a little time for that, just like human pri­ma­tes when we get older.

This year you can bring a smi­le to the Dia­go­nal Ama­vir Group reti­re­ment home on Lla­cu­na Street in Barcelona.

If you order a SOS­li­dary rose free of plas­tic for a dona­tion of €4.95, we will bring them a lovely bou­quet on behalf of SOS Pri­ma­tes and tho­se who make it possible.

The roses collec­ted at our stand on Pas­seig del Born are in exchan­ge for a dona­tion of €3.95, and if you want us to deli­ver it (although it will depend on whether we have volun­teer staff) it will be €5.

Request yours here or at