Would you like to help SOS Pri­ma­tes whi­le on vacation?

We will soon have the 2025 calen­dar and the Christ­mas lot­tery. We need soli­da­rity trans­ports to the follo­wing loca­tions, depar­ting from Bar­ce­lo­na Madrid, Valen­cia, Gra­na­da, Cádiz, Can­ta­bria, Lugo and Tenerife.

If you are going to make one of the­se trips, con­tact us at info@sosprimates.org and we’ll try to coor­di­na­te it.

You’ll be saving us on ship­ping costs, and all the dona­tions collec­ted will go towards the Cat Ba Lan­gur Con­ser­va­tion Pro­ject, which is figh­ting to save the Cat Ba lan­gur from extin­ction in Viet­nam, a pri­ma­te that only lives in that archipelago.

Edu­ca­ting the new gene­ra­tions is vital to achie­ving this, which is why they also carry out edu­ca­tio­nal and awa­re­ness-rai­sing activities.

Be ins­pi­red and do as José Anto­nio did, who deli­ve­red calen­dars to Núria whi­le taking a trip to Barcelona.