
Urgent Update on Cat Ba Island: Help Us Make a Difference!

Sun­day, 29 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

We’ve just recei­ved heart-wren­ching ima­ges of the devas­ta­tion cau­sed by Typhoon Yagi on Cat Ba Island in Viet­nam. This island is the only home to around 80 cri­ti­cally endan­ge­red Cat Ba lan­gurs. The Cat […]

At the 1st Animalist Batec in Barcelona

Mon­day, 23 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

We par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the 1st Ani­ma­list Batec in Sants today, a fair orga­ni­zed by Som­Nia pels ani­mals in Bar­ce­lo­na, dedi­ca­ted to ani­mal pro­tec­tion orga­ni­za­tions. The event was highly pro­duc­ti­ve; we dis­tri­bu­ted infor­ma­tion about SOS Primates […]

Join Us at the Animal Rights Fair in Sants, Barcelona!

Fri­day, 20 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

This Satur­day, we’re thri­lled to invi­te you to the 1st Batec Ani­ma­lis­ta in Sants, a vibrant ani­mal pro­tec­tion fair orga­ni­zed by Som­Nia pels ani­mals, in the heart of Pla­za de Sants, Bar­ce­lo­na. Get ready for a […]

International Primate Day in Madrid

Sun­day, 1 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

Today, we ack­now­led­ge the Zoo Aqua­rium in Madrid for allo­wing us to set up a stand for #Inter­na­tio­nal­Pri­ma­te­Day, cele­bra­ted on Sep­tem­ber 1st. We have dis­tri­bu­ted infor­ma­tion about the threats pri­ma­tes face and have collec­ted donations […]

If You’re Traveling From Barcelona to Tenerife, Lugo, Cádiz, or Valencia, Please Help Us

Mon­day, 5 August, 2024|

If You’­re Tra­ve­ling From Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe, Lugo, Cádiz, or Valen­cia, Plea­se Help Us The vaca­tion sea­son approa­ches; if by chan­ce you are tra­ve­ling from Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe, Lugo, Cádiz, or Valen­cia, plea­se get […]

Uniforms and Equipment for Salvando Peludos, in Madrid

Thurs­day, 18 July, 2024|

Last June, Auro­ra and Raúl, from the SOS Pri­ma­tes board, atten­ded a wild­li­fe con­fe­ren­ce in Madrid and took the oppor­tu­nity to deli­ver 82.45 kg of equip­ment for the staff of the ani­mal shel­ters mana­ged by […]

World Chimpanzee Day in Barcelona and Madrid

Satur­day, 13 July, 2024|

July 14th marks #World­Chim­pan­zee­Day, an occa­sion esta­blished by Dr. Jane Goo­dall to draw public atten­tion to the plight of chim­pan­zees in their nati­ve habi­tats. The NGOs dedi­ca­ted to pri­ma­te con­ser­va­tion, our­sel­ves inclu­ded, sei­ze this […]

Thank you for the 13th Festa dels Animals, Ciutat Vella

Wed­nes­day, 10 July, 2024|

Today, we had the pri­vi­le­ge of par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the 13th Fes­ta dels Ani­mals (Ani­mal Wel­fa­re Fair) held in the Ciu­tat Vella dis­trict of Bar­ce­lo­na. It was a day mar­ked by the dis­se­mi­na­tion of exten­si­ve information […]