The day-to-day running of a charity requires effort, dedication and, above all, teamwork. That’s why we need committed volunteers, people who want to dedicate a few hours a month to charity work, people who want to make a difference and have the time to do so.
When we think of committed volunteers, we think of people who will go beyond the specific tasks assigned to them (treasury or website maintenance, for example) to cover the various needs that arise, for example:
* Attendance to in-person activities at fairs, talks, workshops and stands at schools, transporting resources, setting up the stand and helping people who attend the event.
* Participation in activities to promote the charity, searching for fairs, grants and subsidies, preparing resources, carrying out necessary tasks, delivering resources, administrative tasks etc
* Involvement in all activities bringing ideas, opinions spreading the word etc
If you’re interested in working with us, you can get in touch on info@sosprimates.org, or going to the CONTACT section of our website at the top right corner of the page.

We also need volunteers to accompany us to the fairs and solidarity events that we attend with our stand and our merchandising. The cities we frequent the most are Barcelona and Madrid.
If you think you can commit yourself and want to join us in these days, write us an email and we will contact you when they will be carried out.

International Primate Day 2019

Fuenlanimal 2019, Fuenlabrada, Madrid

III Vegan Animal Fair Mataro 2019