
The day-to-day run­ning of a cha­rity requi­res effort, dedi­ca­tion and, abo­ve all, team­work. That’s why we need com­mit­ted volun­teers, peo­ple who want to dedi­ca­te a few hours a month to cha­rity work, peo­ple who want to make a dif­fe­ren­ce and have the time to do so.

When we think of com­mit­ted volun­teers, we think of peo­ple who will go beyond the spe­ci­fic tasks assig­ned to them (trea­sury or web­si­te main­te­nan­ce, for exam­ple) to cover the various needs that ari­se, for example:

*  Atten­dan­ce to in-per­son acti­vi­ties at fairs, talks, workshops and stands at schools, trans­por­ting resour­ces, set­ting up the stand and hel­ping peo­ple who attend the event.
*  Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in acti­vi­ties to pro­mo­te the cha­rity, sear­ching for fairs, grants and sub­si­dies, pre­pa­ring resour­ces, carrying out neces­sary tasks, deli­ve­ring resour­ces, admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks etc
*  Invol­ve­ment in all acti­vi­ties brin­ging ideas, opi­nions sprea­ding the word etc

If you’re inter­es­ted in wor­king with us, you can get in touch on info@sosprimates.org, or going to the CONTACT sec­tion of our web­si­te at the top right cor­ner of the page.

We also need volun­teers to accom­pany us to the fairs and soli­da­rity events that we attend with our stand and our mer­chan­di­sing. The cities we fre­quent the most are Bar­ce­lo­na and Madrid.

If you think you can com­mit your­self and want to join us in the­se days, wri­te us an email and we will con­tact you when they will be carried out.

Inter­na­tio­nal Pri­ma­te Day 2019

Fuen­la­ni­mal 2019, Fuen­la­bra­da, Madrid

III Vegan Ani­mal Fair Mata­ro 2019