SOS Pri­ma­tes is made up of a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team of com­mit­ted peo­ple who work in the fields of pri­ma­to­logy, ani­mal well­being and bio­di­ver­sity con­ser­va­tion. The majo­rity have wor­ked and hel­ped in pri­ma­te res­cue cen­tres in various coun­tries, expe­rien­cing first-hand the situa­tion facing this group of ani­mals. In fact, it was at the Lwi­ro Pri­ma­te Reha­bi­li­ta­tion Cen­tre, in the east of the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of the Con­go, that the idea to crea­te SOS Pri­ma­tes was born, due to the cons­tant arri­val of baby chim­pan­zees from the ille­gal traf­fic­king industry and the urgent need for more finan­cial help to allow the pro­ject to con­ti­nue. This is how our two co-foun­ders, Laia Dotras and Raúl Cabre­ra, foun­ded SOS Pri­ma­tes in 2012, with the aim of edu­ca­ting peo­ple about the dif­fe­rent issues affec­ting pri­ma­tes and sup­por­ting pro­jects wor­king to con­ser­ve the­se spe­cies. Accom­pa­nied by peo­ple with other skills who want to help the cau­se in their own way, we hope to con­ti­nue gro­wing and to be able to count on your support.

Meet our team

Raúl Cabrera
Raúl Cabre­raPre­si­dent and co-founder

Gra­dua­te in Bio­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Bar­ce­lo­na, he’s been wor­king with pri­ma­tes under human pro­tec­tion and in con­ser­va­tion pro­jects for more than 25 years. He has edu­ca­ted and colla­bo­ra­ted at cen­ters like Mona Foun­da­tion, Zoo Aqua­rium of Madrid, Durrell Wild­li­fe Pre­ser­va­tion Trust, Oran­gu­tan Foun­da­tion, Lim­be Wild­li­fe Cen­ter, the Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo, whe­re he currently works, and others.

He co-foun­ded SOS­Pri­ma­tes in 2012 and sin­ce then he has not cea­sed figh­ting for the pri­ma­tes’ well­being and habi­tats. The values he defends every day in the asso­cia­tion, which were trans­mit­ted pri­ma­rily from his mother are empathy, trans­pa­rency, dedi­ca­tion, per­se­ve­ran­ce, and res­pect.

Some­ti­mes we find it hard to stop and value what we have achie­ved, but don’t for­get it’s something very big.

Aurora Pazos
Auro­ra PazosTrea­su­rer

She is a gra­dua­te in Bio­logy from the Auto­no­mous Uni­ver­sity of Bar­ce­lo­na, and also has a master’s degree in Bio­di­ver­sity and a Cer­ti­fi­ca­te in Peda­go­gi­cal Apti­tu­de in Scien­ce. She has also trai­ned as assis­tant in assis­ted the­ra­pies with ani­mals and is cer­ti­fied as auxi­liary vete­ri­na­rian. She currently works in this pro­fes­sion at the Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo.

She has colla­bo­ra­ted with SOS Pri­ma­tes sin­ce its begin­ning. What she loves the most about it is to rai­se awa­re­ness more and more in peo­ple about con­tri­bu­ting to pro­jects that, although dis­tant, are in grea­test need. That is why, besi­des hel­ping pri­ma­tes, her main goal is to edu­ca­te the society we live in through the actions and values of the organization.

SOS Pri­ma­tes is more than an NGO; it is a big family with a com­mon goal.

Almudena Hernandez
Almu­de­na Her­nan­dezVolun­teer

Gra­dua­te in Early Childhood Edu­ca­tion from the Rey Juan Car­los Uni­ver­sity and Vete­ri­nary stu­dent from the Uni­ver­si­dad Com­plu­ten­se of Madrid. She has addi­tio­nal edu­ca­tion on pri­ma­tes, mari­ne mam­mals, and other spe­cies from Sea­wol­ves and on small and exo­tic ani­mals from the Vete­ri­nary Cli­ni­cal Hos­pi­tal of Madrid.

She colla­bo­ra­tes with SOS Pri­ma­tes in diver­se tasks like com­mu­ni­ca­tion, admi­nis­tra­tion, deli­very mana­ge­ment, event coor­di­na­tion and craft fabri­ca­tion to gather funds. She is an exam­ple of dedi­ca­tion for many volun­teers of the orga­ni­za­tion, and a loyal defen­der of the pre­cept that if you want to help an NGO like this one, you only need enthu­siasm to do it.

SOS Pri­ma­tes has beco­me my life mas­ter, a pla­ce whe­re I have grown and matu­red as a per­son. I attri­bu­te a part of who I am today to the asso­cia­tion, that is why it will always be a part of me.

Núria Celdran
Núria Cel­dranVolun­teer

She holds a degree in Forestry Engi­nee­ring from the Uni­ver­sity of Llei­da and a degree in Early Childhood Edu­ca­tion from the UOC. She is an envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tor and has orga­ni­sed many cour­ses on flo­ra and fau­na con­ser­va­tion, rene­wa­ble ener­gies and zoo­logy, among others.

Her colla­bo­ra­tion within the asso­cia­tion is exce­llent and she stands out for her com­pa­nionship and resi­lien­ce. Although she focu­ses on the more edu­ca­tio­nal areas within the asso­cia­tion, she is a real all-roun­der and also colla­bo­ra­tes in events and fairs, among others.

If the­re is one thing that SOS Pri­ma­tes tea­ches you, it is to always be com­mit­ted and belie­ve in everything you do.

Shirly Nowak
Shirly NowakVolun­teer

With a degree in Vete­ri­nary Medi­ci­ne from the Uni­ver­sity of Cáce­res, she deci­ded to hang up her coat a few years ago and help ani­mals beyond the­se bor­ders through her colla­bo­ra­tion with SOS Primates.

She is one of the most valued volun­teers becau­se she is not afraid of any task that is pro­po­sed to her and is willing to con­tri­bu­te and imple­ment her own ideas in order to con­ti­nue gro­wing with the asso­cia­tion. Some of her tasks inclu­de desig­ning calen­dars or ima­ges for social net­works, mana­ging the web­si­te or edi­ting videos, among others.

Colla­bo­ra­ting with SOS Pri­ma­tes is ful­fi­lling becau­se we don’t only help pri­ma­tes, but we fight to pre­ser­ve their envi­ron­ment and sup­port their communities.

Our team in Spain
Our team in Spain

Both in Bar­ce­lo­na and Madrid, SOS Pri­ma­tes has peo­ple com­mit­ted to our cau­se who dedi­ca­te their dif­fe­rent skills, their energy and their free time to carry out the objec­ti­ves of the orga­ni­sa­tion. All the peo­ple who make up SOS Pri­ma­tes are volun­teers. And we are dri­ven by the desire to help impro­ve the situa­tion suf­fe­red by many pri­ma­te spe­cies, rai­sing public awa­re­ness and see­king funds to help stop poa­ching and ille­gal traf­fic­king, colla­bo­ra­ting with res­cue cen­tres in situ, spe­ci­fi­cally with the Lwi­ro Pri­ma­te Reha­bi­li­ta­tion Cen­tre in the DR Con­go.

We are currently loo­king for peo­ple who want to colla­bo­ra­te with us doing trans­la­tions, graphic design of mate­rials and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks. If you want to be part of our team, plea­se wri­te to

Our team in Lwiro
Our team in Lwiro

The CRPL has an extra­or­di­nary team of 55 wor­kers who dedi­ca­te them­sel­ves body and soul to caring for the resi­dent pri­ma­tes. Some of them have been with the pro­ject sin­ce the first chim­pan­zee arri­ved in 2002! The team is divi­ded into three groups: the vete­ri­nary team, who look after the health of all the ani­mals, the chim­pan­zee kee­pers, who pro­vi­de pro­fes­sio­nal care and ensu­re the wel­fa­re of the more than 90 res­cued chim­pan­zees, and the mon­key kee­pers, who are highly trai­ned in the hand­ling of the various spe­cies hou­sed and requi­re spe­ci­fic care. The logis­tics and kit­chen team ensu­res that all the pri­ma­tes recei­ve a balan­ced and varied diet, pre­pa­ring the six daily meals that mon­keys and chim­pan­zees recei­ve. Sin­ce August 2015, the CRPL has been direc­ted by the Bas­que bio­lo­gist Itsa­so Vélez del Bur­go Guinea.