At the CRPL Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes„ the­re are 199 pri­ma­tes to feed. Their diet is very varied and balan­ced, and although they do not only eat bana­nas, as many peo­ple think, the­se are a part of their diet. Up to 550 kg each week are bought from local far­mers, inves­ting in local eco­nomy and proximity.

At SOS Pri­ma­tes we do our bit through the dif­fe­rent acti­vi­ties we orga­ni­se, and thanks to the uncon­di­tio­nal sup­port of our volun­teers. Today we would like to thank the Tene­ri­fe Sup­port Group for their cons­tant and gro­wing help. They are not all in the pho­to, but thanks to Susa­na, Cris­to, Susan­na, Inés, Lucía, Cris, Moi, and espe­cially to Vane, who through the acti­vi­ties of In-Situ Cana­rias, does a great job to pre­ser­ve natu­re in Tene­ri­fe, and its deli­ca­te spe­cies, such as the Sco­po­li’s shearwater.