Now we’re giving you the chan­ce to put a face to your sup­port, by directly con­tri­bu­ting to the reco­very of some of the most vul­ne­ra­ble chim­pan­zees at the Lwi­ro Pri­ma­te Reha­bi­li­ta­tion Cen­tre, who requi­re more urgent care. All you have to do is spon­sor one of the chim­pan­zees on this page, with a small dona­tion from €5. You can make a regu­lar, monthly or long-term dona­tion – wha­te­ver suits you. No com­mit­ment. When you deci­de to can­cel your perio­dic dona­tion, just let us know and we will stop sen­ding you receipts, than­king you for all your sup­port. Also, when you adopt a chim­pan­zee, you will recei­ve a per­so­na­li­sed paper spon­sorship cer­ti­fi­ca­te and a pho­to of your chim­pan­zee. We will also keep you upda­ted about the impro­ve­ments that your dona­tion has made pos­si­ble with three digi­tal news­let­ters a year, and you will be able to enjoy dis­counts on all of our activities.
So plea­se, help the chim­pan­zees who are most in need. Click on the link to the spon­sorship form below each of them and tell us how you would like to contribute.

Sponsor a chimpanzee

Name:  Nishuli
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 5 years

Nishu­li arri­ved on February 4th 2018, terri­fied, trau­ma­ti­sed, and with various abnor­mal beha­viours, inclu­ding pulling out her hair. The ICCN, the govern­ment depart­ment in char­ge of pro­tec­ting Con­go­le­se natu­re, sent an agent to Kin­du, 650km from Lwi­ro, to inter­cept the traf­fic­kers who were taking Nishu­li, an orphan infant, to a dark and uncer­tain des­ti­na­tion: to be the diplo­ma­tic gift of an unk­nown dig­ni­tary. Her mother and mem­bers of her troop died during her cap­tu­re by hun­ters in the forest.

Namee:  Mado
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 7 years

Mado was res­cued in February 2017 from a villa­ge in the north of the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of the Con­go. The hun­ters killed her mother and cap­tu­red her for sale as a pet on the ille­gal mar­ket. She was chai­ned by her neck and was barely given food or water. At the time of her res­cue she was suf­fe­ring from seve­re dehy­dra­tion and malnu­tri­tion, and was weak and terri­fied. She had wounds on her head and neck, intes­ti­nal para­si­tes and she mis­sing lar­ge amounts of hair. She is now star­ting her new life at Lwiro.

Name: Shabunda
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 8 years

Whi­le she was living in the forest with her family, Sha­bun­da was caught in a trap set by hun­ters. The injury this left her with, and the lack of care after­ward meant that she lost her right hand. She was res­cued in February 2017, arri­ving at Lwi­ro trau­ma­ti­sed and with very little mobi­lity. The enti­re team at the CRPL were stun­ned when they saw her wound, with the bone visi­ble. It is impos­si­ble to ima­gi­ne the pain she has suf­fe­red in her short life. But her lost expres­sion says it all… Help us to give her a second chance.


Day to day life at an NGO, inclu­ding at an orga­ni­sa­tion like ours, requi­res effort, dedi­ca­tion, and abo­ve all team­work. It’s for this reason that we need com­mit­ted volun­teers, peo­ple with a desire to dedi­ca­te a few hours a month to a cha­ri­ta­ble cau­se, peo­ple who want to act are able to do so.

When we think of com­mit­ted volun­teers, we think of peo­ple who will go beyond the spe­ci­fic tasks they may be assig­ned (trea­sury or web main­te­nan­ce, for exam­ple), to cover the dif­fe­rent needs that may ari­se, for example:

*  Atten­dan­ce at in-per­son acti­vi­ties inclu­ding exhi­bi­tions, talks, workshops and stands at schools, trans­por­ting mate­rials, set­ting up the stand and attend to peo­ple at the event.
*  Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in acti­vi­ties to pro­mo­te the asso­cia­tion, sear­ching for events, scho­larships and grants, pre­pa­ring mate­rials, carrying out transac­tions, deli­ve­ring mate­rials, admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks etc.
*  Invol­ve­ment in all acti­vi­ties brin­ging ideas, opi­nions, sprea­ding the word, etc

Go to the CONTACT sec­tion in the top right-hand cor­ner of the page, and let us know you are interested.

Other Partnerships

Join SOS Pri­ma­tes’ Tea­ming Group. With a dona­tion of €1 you will help to allow for the res­cue and care of more orphan infants, in an easy, secu­re and effec­ti­ve way. More infor­ma­tion here.

Spread the word among your con­tacts and friends, follow us on social media and sha­re our work – the more peo­ple who get to know us, the easier it will be to find supporters.

You can also sup­port us with a dona­tion into our account (Caja de Inge­nie­ros ES06 3025 0001 1414 3348 7632), or con­tact us to find out other ways to make a donation.