Now we’re giving you the chance to put a face to your support, by directly contributing to the recovery of some of the most vulnerable chimpanzees at the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre, who require more urgent care. All you have to do is sponsor one of the chimpanzees on this page, with a small donation from €5. You can make a regular, monthly or long-term donation – whatever suits you. No commitment. When you decide to cancel your periodic donation, just let us know and we will stop sending you receipts, thanking you for all your support. Also, when you adopt a chimpanzee, you will receive a personalised paper sponsorship certificate and a photo of your chimpanzee. We will also keep you updated about the improvements that your donation has made possible with three digital newsletters a year, and you will be able to enjoy discounts on all of our activities.
So please, help the chimpanzees who are most in need. Click on the link to the sponsorship form below each of them and tell us how you would like to contribute.
Sponsor a chimpanzee

Name: Nishuli
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 5 years
Nishuli arrived on February 4th 2018, terrified, traumatised, and with various abnormal behaviours, including pulling out her hair. The ICCN, the government department in charge of protecting Congolese nature, sent an agent to Kindu, 650km from Lwiro, to intercept the traffickers who were taking Nishuli, an orphan infant, to a dark and uncertain destination: to be the diplomatic gift of an unknown dignitary. Her mother and members of her troop died during her capture by hunters in the forest.

Namee: Mado
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 7 years
Mado was rescued in February 2017 from a village in the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The hunters killed her mother and captured her for sale as a pet on the illegal market. She was chained by her neck and was barely given food or water. At the time of her rescue she was suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition, and was weak and terrified. She had wounds on her head and neck, intestinal parasites and she missing large amounts of hair. She is now starting her new life at Lwiro.

Name: Shabunda
Sex: Female
Approximate age: 8 years
While she was living in the forest with her family, Shabunda was caught in a trap set by hunters. The injury this left her with, and the lack of care afterward meant that she lost her right hand. She was rescued in February 2017, arriving at Lwiro traumatised and with very little mobility. The entire team at the CRPL were stunned when they saw her wound, with the bone visible. It is impossible to imagine the pain she has suffered in her short life. But her lost expression says it all… Help us to give her a second chance.
Day to day life at an NGO, including at an organisation like ours, requires effort, dedication, and above all teamwork. It’s for this reason that we need committed volunteers, people with a desire to dedicate a few hours a month to a charitable cause, people who want to act are able to do so.
When we think of committed volunteers, we think of people who will go beyond the specific tasks they may be assigned (treasury or web maintenance, for example), to cover the different needs that may arise, for example:
* Attendance at in-person activities including exhibitions, talks, workshops and stands at schools, transporting materials, setting up the stand and attend to people at the event.
* Participation in activities to promote the association, searching for events, scholarships and grants, preparing materials, carrying out transactions, delivering materials, administrative tasks etc.
* Involvement in all activities bringing ideas, opinions, spreading the word, etc
Go to the CONTACT section in the top right-hand corner of the page, and let us know you are interested.

Other Partnerships
Join SOS Primates’ Teaming Group. With a donation of €1 you will help to allow for the rescue and care of more orphan infants, in an easy, secure and effective way. More information here.
Spread the word among your contacts and friends, follow us on social media and share our work – the more people who get to know us, the easier it will be to find supporters.
You can also support us with a donation into our account (Caja de Ingenieros ES06 3025 0001 1414 3348 7632), or contact us to find out other ways to make a donation.