SOS Pri­ma­tes is for­med by a group of dedi­ca­ted peo­ple who help in many ways, like deli­ve­ring mate­rial of our NGO on their jour­neys to the esta­blish­ments whe­re we have sup­port groups. Hen­ce, the dona­tions we gather with said mate­rial arri­ve who­lely to the pri­ma­tes of the reco­very cen­ters we sup­port, like ‘Kaku­le’, from the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, who loves cereal porridge.

Thanks to their kind ges­tu­re we save deli­very expen­ses and can help more primates.

Soli­dary indi­vi­duals who have already hel­ped: Car­les, who deli­ve­red the lot­tery to Almo from Bar­ce­lo­na to Madrid, Gema and Sara, who deli­ve­red calen­dars from Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe to our sup­port group, and Itsa­so, who deli­ve­red hand­ma­de crafts from Con­go to Basi, to Navarra.

Currently, we requi­re to send from Bar­ce­lo­na to Tene­ri­fe and Can­ta­bria. If you go through this rou­te, con­tact us at