As we enter the holidays season, many people take vacations and volunteer at wildlife centers —whether working with primates or other animals—. We encourage you to contact SOS Primates. We offer support by providing work equipment donated by the Barcelona Zoo (including uniforms, boots, gloves, and more), which is vital to care for these animals.
One of our dedicated volunteers, Melody Silva, contacted us recently when she visited the center Centro de Rescate Amazónico — CREA (CREA) in Iquitos, Peru .
Since its establishment in 2007, it has successfully released over 10,000 animals like birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals like sloths, manatees, pink dolphins, and primates.
They came here for various reasons, such as habitat loss, vehicle collisions, electrocution from power lines, or the unfortunate loss of their mothers due to poaching.
Networking is crucial in the effort to liberate these species, and we would like to thank Melody and César, who helped transport the suitcase from Barcelona to Castellón.
The animals benefit greatly from the kindness and generosity of people.
If you’re traveling, consider following their example and contact us at