As we enter the holi­days sea­son, many peo­ple take vaca­tions and volun­teer at wild­li­fe cen­ters —whether wor­king with pri­ma­tes or other ani­mals—. We encou­ra­ge you to con­tact SOS Pri­ma­tes. We offer sup­port by pro­vi­ding work equip­ment dona­ted by the Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo (inclu­ding uni­forms, boots, glo­ves, and more), which is vital to care for the­se animals.

One of our dedi­ca­ted volun­teers, Melody Sil­va, con­tac­ted us recently when she visi­ted the cen­ter Cen­tro de Res­ca­te Ama­zó­ni­co — CREA (CREA) in Iqui­tos, Peru .

Sin­ce its esta­blish­ment in 2007, it has suc­cess­fully relea­sed over 10,000 ani­mals like birds, rep­ti­les, amphi­bians, and mam­mals like sloths, mana­tees, pink dolphins, and primates.

They came here for various reasons, such as habi­tat loss, vehi­cle colli­sions, elec­tro­cu­tion from power lines, or the unfor­tu­na­te loss of their mothers due to poaching.

Net­wor­king is cru­cial in the effort to libe­ra­te the­se spe­cies, and we would like to thank Melody and César, who hel­ped trans­port the suit­ca­se from Bar­ce­lo­na to Castellón.

The ani­mals bene­fit greatly from the kind­ness and gene­ro­sity of people.

If you’re tra­ve­ling, con­si­der follo­wing their exam­ple and con­tact us at