Without a doubt, care­gi­vers are a key com­po­nent in any zoo­lo­gi­cal ins­ti­tu­tion, whether it’s a sanc­tuary, reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­ter, aqua­rium, zoo, farm, or others.

Without a moti­va­ted and trai­ned team of care­gi­vers, things will never run smoothly.

At CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, tho­se who wel­co­me and care for the little orphans, like Zawa­di, who is seen in the pho­to sup­por­ting Kashe­be­re and Kali­ma, are just as impor­tant as tho­se who look after the adults who no lon­ger need to be held.

Sup­port SOS Pri­ma­tes in their mis­sion to assist pri­ma­te cen­ters around the world. With just €1/month, you can make a sig­ni­fi­cant dif­fe­ren­ce.