Today, we want to extend our heart­felt thanks to @festa dels ani­mals and @4 potes Les Corts for invi­ting SOS Pri­ma­tes to the II Fes­ta dels Ani­mals in Les Corts, Barcelona.

Many peo­ple visi­ted our booth to learn about us and show their support.

We are gra­te­ful to the orga­ni­zers for their kind­ness, and to the com­pa­nies and ins­ti­tu­tions that colla­bo­ra­ted in making this fair possible.

This event would not have been achie­va­ble without our won­der­ful volun­teers, our grea­test trea­su­re: Estel, Car­me, Mar­ga, and Jose.

The dona­tions we recei­ved will help the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, con­ti­nue to care for more orphans like Jicho. He’s a red-tai­led mon­key sei­zed and attem­pted to be sold as a pet after his mother and part of his group were killed for bushmeat.