SOS Pri­ma­tes would like to express its gra­ti­tu­de today to the com­pany Ani­mal Sapiens (loca­ted in Salt, Giro­na, Sant Adrià del Besòs, Bar­ce­lo­na, and Llei­da) for their ongoing colla­bo­ra­tion in secu­ring dona­tions for the pri­ma­tes at CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, in the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Congo.

The­se dona­tions are a tre­men­do­us help for the fee­ding expen­ses of over 200 orpha­ned pri­ma­tes living at CRPL, inclu­ding around twenty infants who lost their mothers to poa­chers and requi­re for­mu­la milk (human baby milk pow­der), like Elik­ya in the photo.

Ani­mal Sapiens is a family-owned busi­ness esta­blished in 2005 that pro­vi­des vete­ri­nary advi­ce and care for our com­pa­nions (dogs, cats, and other small ani­mals), as well as groo­ming, laundry, fee­ding, and other ser­vi­ces. They also pro­mo­te res­pon­si­ble adop­tion on their website.

In the pho­tos, you can see our collea­gues from SOS Pri­ma­tes deli­ve­ring a dona­tion box to various Ani­mal Sapiens establishments:

  • Ele­na deli­vers one to Vane­sa in Lleida

  • Sol to Sonia in Sant Adrià del Besòs
  • Raúl to Lau­ra in Salt

A heart­felt thank you to all the staff and the exten­ded family of Ani­mal Sapiens, espe­cially to their clients who make this pos­si­ble. We would also like to thank Mar­ta from SOS Pri­ma­tes for coor­di­na­ting the various dona­tion boxes we have dis­tri­bu­ted throughout Spain.

If you want to help us by pla­cing a dona­tion box, don’t hesi­ta­te to con­tact us at