Today, we are sha­ring the pho­to of the win­ner of the August SOS­li­dary raf­fle from SOS Pri­ma­tes, Jon Muná­rriz, with our secre­tary Auro­ra Pazos, hol­ding part of his pri­ze. Jon is a pro­fes­sio­nal ani­mal care­ta­ker who always helps us and colla­bo­ra­tes in our raf­fles by dis­tri­bu­ting lot­tery tic­kets, among other things.
Thank you very much, Jon, for your sup­port, and con­gra­tu­la­tions on your prize!
You can now request your num­bers for the next raf­fle taking pla­ce in Decem­ber. This will be the last one of the year,and will help the Cat Ba Lan­gur Con­ser­va­tion Pro­ject, which pro­tects the fewer than 100 indi­vi­duals remai­ning in the wild, one of the most endan­ge­red pri­ma­te species.

For just 1 euro, everything in the pho­to could be yours. Get invol­ved and request your num­ber here or at