At SOS Pri­ma­tes, one of our core values is the power of colla­bo­ra­tion to achie­ve the com­mon good—specifically, hel­ping pri­ma­tes in need.

Today, we are thri­lled to intro­du­ce an inno­va­ti­ve initia­ti­ve that star­ted with the gene­rous dona­tion of 50 color­ful frin­ged t‑shirts for chil­dren and youth from Mrs. Dolo­res Albiol in Vina­ròs, deli­ve­red to us by her daugh­ter, Yolan­da Rose­lló, a great friend and sup­por­ter of our association.

In the spi­rit of team­work, we con­tac­ted various artists to help us print or hand-draw designs on the­se shirts. Thanks to our collea­gue Car­la Fle­cha, we con­nec­ted with Un toc d’art, a vibrant tex­ti­le shop and arti­san workshop run by the Camats Vidal family in Molins de Rei, Barcelona.

Marc Camats, a talen­ted graphic desig­ner, gene­rously offe­red to crea­te a uni­que pri­ma­te design and print the shirts for us at no cost.

It is not the first time this shop has sel­flessly colla­bo­ra­ted on cru­cial cau­ses! The design fea­tu­res an orpha­ned baby chim­pan­zee suc­king its thumb for com­fort after losing its mother to poa­chers; it is a heart-wren­ching story that sadly repeats across Africa.

We invi­te you to dis­co­ver their mar­ve­lous crafts and follow them on Ins­ta­gram @untocdart and You can also visit their workshop at Calle Mayor, 63, in Molins de Rei.

Join us in our mis­sion! Your sup­port can help us care for over 200 orpha­ned pri­ma­tes at the Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes Reha­bi­li­ta­tion Cen­ter, like Kalo­le in the photo.

For a dona­tion of just €12, you can own one of the­se exclu­si­ve t‑shirts (ship­ping costs not included).

To pla­ce your order or for more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us at

Together, let us make a dif­fe­ren­ce for tho­se who need it most!