
Acknowledgments from Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Fri­day, 8 Novem­ber, 2024|

Today, we are thri­lled to sha­re a heart­war­ming video that show­ca­ses the immen­se gra­ti­tu­de of the Ngam­ba Island Chim­pan­zee Sanc­tuary for the remar­ka­ble dona­tion of 157.6 kg of essen­tial work equip­ment from the Zoo […]

SOS Primates’ Contribution to Orangutan Foundation

Mon­day, 28 Octo­ber, 2024|

We are thri­lled to sha­re some exci­ting news from the Oran­gu­tan Foun­da­tion (OF)! Thanks to gene­rous dona­tions from SOS Pri­ma­tes, they acqui­red new trans­port cages spe­ci­fi­cally desig­ned for res­cuing oran­gu­tans and faci­li­ta­ting their translocations—whether […]

More Solidarity Transport Among People, Thanks to Everyone

Tues­day, 15 Octo­ber, 2024|

This sum­mer has been inten­se regar­ding the deli­very of mate­rials through soli­da­rity trans­port, hel­ping the asso­cia­tion save costs. Belén and Basi met with Martha in Vito­ria to bring two suit­ca­ses of mate­rials (crafts and […]

Acknowledgment to ASA-Asociación por la Sensibilidad Animal

Tues­day, 15 Octo­ber, 2024|

Today, we want to express our heart­felt gra­ti­tu­de to ASA — Aso­cia­ción por la Sen­si­bi­li­dad Ani­mal for invi­ting SOS Pri­ma­tes to the VI Fair for Ani­mal Sen­si­ti­vity in Mós­to­les. Many peo­ple visi­ted our booth […]

International Primate Day in Barcelona

Mon­day, 14 Octo­ber, 2024|

Yes­ter­day, on #Inter­na­tio­nal­Pri­ma­te­Day, we were at the Zoo of Bar­ce­lo­na along­si­de other pri­ma­te pro­tec­tion orga­ni­za­tions colla­bo­ra­ting with the zoo. We dis­tri­bu­ted infor­ma­tion about the threats pri­ma­tes endu­re. We also gathe­red dona­tions that will be allocated […]

Urgent Update on Cat Ba Island: Help Us Make a Difference!

Sun­day, 29 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

We’ve just recei­ved heart-wren­ching ima­ges of the devas­ta­tion cau­sed by Typhoon Yagi on Cat Ba Island in Viet­nam. This island is the only home to around 80 cri­ti­cally endan­ge­red Cat Ba lan­gurs. The Cat […]

At the 1st Animalist Batec in Barcelona

Mon­day, 23 Sep­tem­ber, 2024|

We par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the 1st Ani­ma­list Batec in Sants today, a fair orga­ni­zed by Som­Nia pels ani­mals in Bar­ce­lo­na, dedi­ca­ted to ani­mal pro­tec­tion orga­ni­za­tions. The event was highly pro­duc­ti­ve; we dis­tri­bu­ted infor­ma­tion about SOS Primates […]