This year the Three Wise Men have come early for SOS Pri­ma­tes. A friend of ours, who pre­fers to remain anony­mous, has made us the­se han­di­crafts by recy­cling various mate­rials (jeans, milk car­tons, paper bags, and many other things)… They are mag­nets in the sha­pe of a gori­lla, chim­pan­zee or oran­gu­tan, in a fol­der-sha­ped case, all hand­ma­de with real care, so that we can rai­se dona­tions for the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes„ so that the sanc­tuary can con­ti­nue to wel­co­me orpha­ned pri­ma­tes like little “Tony”.

For a dona­tion of 7 euros (ship­ping costs not inclu­ded) you will be able to have the­se cuties on your fridge