In Sant Jor­di, you can also gift our NGO soli­dary books. Authors of seve­ral books will offer us part of their pro­fits gathe­red from each book sold.

They have diver­se the­mes. First, the­re’s a chil­dre­n’s book on how to edu­ca­te well their dog friend. Then one that talks about how some­ti­mes we can harm ani­mals unin­ten­tio­nally.  The­re’s a novel about a kid with Asper­ge­r’s and his rela­tion to a hor­se. Another com­pi­les Nati­ve Ame­ri­can wis­dom. Lastly, the­re’s a text that speaks of the com­bi­na­tion of yoga, chi kung, tai chi, ener­ge­tic meri­dians, and mas­sa­ges for health. More details below the photo.

With the money gathe­red, we’ll be able to help orphan chimps from CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, like ‘Kashe­be­re’( in the photo).

More infor­ma­tion and pur­cha­ses at: