SOS Pri­ma­tes invi­tes you to this free talk on Sun­day, Octo­ber 6th, via Zoom, fea­tu­ring Mr. Igna­cio Par­do de San­ta­ya­na, Direc­tor and Foun­der of the San­ti­lla­na del Mar Zoo in Can­ta­bria. This event cele­bra­tes the 26th birth­day (a true miles­to­ne) of mar­mo­set Fio­na, who resi­des at the sanc­tuary for mar­mo­sets and tama­rins in Dar­win, Bar­ce­lo­na, an orga­ni­za­tion we clo­sely colla­bo­ra­te with.

To join, click the follo­wing link on Sun­day at 8 PM:

Mee­ting ID: 826 0495 3780.

Access Code: 742807

We look for­ward to seeing you the­re. Thank you!