We are thri­lled to sha­re some exci­ting news from the Oran­gu­tan Foun­da­tion (OF)!
Thanks to gene­rous dona­tions from SOS Pri­ma­tes, they acqui­red new trans­port cages spe­ci­fi­cally desig­ned for res­cuing oran­gu­tans and faci­li­ta­ting their translocations—whether that means relea­sing them back into the wild or moving them to safer areas in times of danger.
Thank you to all who par­ti­ci­pa­ted in our calen­dar cam­paigns, Christ­mas lot­tery, and raf­fles last year. Your sup­port has made this possible!
We also dis­play an ima­ge from the came­ra traps which have been cap­tu­ring the ima­ges we have sha­red the­se past few weeks.
We extend our heart­felt gra­ti­tu­de to OF for upda­ting us and all of you who con­tri­bu­ted through your gene­rous donations.
Together, we are making a real dif­fe­ren­ce in the lives of orangutans!