Next SOS­li­day raf­fle orga­ni­sed by SOS Pri­ma­tes, this time for the bene­fit of the Jaguar Res­cue Cen­ter (JRC), in Cos­ta Rica, to colla­bo­ra­te in the fee­ding and reha­bi­li­ta­tion of the orpha­ned pri­ma­tes of this cen­tre. The pri­ze includes:

-Snow­fla­ke cushion (ori­gi­nal)
‑Snow­fla­ke Poster
‑Cera­mic mask (Cera­mic Art)
‑Snow­fla­ke plush toy (gift from JRC)
JRC cap
‑Book “Ama­teur Natu­ra­lis­t’s Manual”.
‑Blue pen­dant to attract good energies
‑Snow leo­pard key­ring ‑Snow leo­pard key ring
‑Indo­ne­sian bracelet
‑Stic­ker of the 1000 animals

The win­ning num­ber will be the one that mat­ches the last 3 digits of the ONCE draw on Mon­day 2nd March 2020. Each num­ber is worth 1 euro. As it is a ran­ge bet­ween 0–199, if the win­ning num­bers are higher than this, mul­ti­ple of 2 will be sub­trac­ted from the num­ber in the hun­dreds until it is within the ran­ge of the draw. For exam­ple: if the last three digits of the win­ning num­ber were 699, a 6 would be sub­trac­ted from the num­ber in the hun­dreds, resul­ting in the win­ning num­ber 099.

To order num­bers wri­te to