Today, as another orphan infant chim­pan­zee makes their way towards the CRPL, the­re is all the more reason to give spe­cial thanks to an incre­dibly gene­rous per­son and pro­ject who have made a con­si­de­ra­ble dona­tion to SOS Pri­ma­tes in the last few days. This dona­tion is going to make a huge dif­fe­ren­ce for our orga­ni­sa­tion, in an espe­cially dif­fi­cult year during which we haven’t stop­ped figh­ting to get sup­port for the CRPL (Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes) in the Congo.

Thank you to Pau and Una Vida Onli­ne for his altruism and huma­nity. His dona­tion will greatly help to cover the costs of fee­ding the orphan pri­ma­tes at the CRPL

Thank you to all of you who have hel­ped us in 2020, and thank you again Pau for valuing our work!