We’­re star­ting off the week with a new part­nership, and we want to take this oppor­tu­nity to remind you that if you have any sug­ges­tions of how to help us, you can let us know at info@sosprimates.org.

Sil­via Fer­nán­dez foun­ded Chikyhob­bit in 2010, sewing felt broo­ches firstly by hand, and later using a sewing machi­ne. The result was, among other pro­ducts, the­se sock mon­keys, which sup­port SOS Pri­ma­tes thanks to Sil­via dona­ting 15% of the pro­fits for each one, to help cover the cost of fee­ding the orphans at Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes.

She made the first one out of socks she no lon­ger used (a way of recy­cling and reusing something which is no lon­ger being used), and from the­re her sock mon­keys were born, each one dif­fe­rent and unique.

Her dream is to fill the world with tra­ve­lling mon­keys, and she encou­ra­ges you to to take yours on your next trip when things return to nor­mal and take pho­tos of it, like the gno­me in the film “Ame­lie”. She also wants to rai­se awa­re­ness about poa­ching, habi­tat des­truc­tion, etc. Many thanks, Sil­via, for your beau­ti­ful ges­tu­re and for choo­sing our orga­ni­sa­tion. Wel­co­me to our little pri­ma­te family!.

You can get to know Sil­via via her Face­book and Ins­ta­gram pages (@chikyhobbit).