The Day of Sant Jor­di was a great suc­cess for SOS Pri­ma­tes, although it requi­red a huge team effort. We’d like to thank ever­yo­ne who made this pos­si­ble: Maria Valuènh who made the roses for us without using plas­tic, only bio­de­gra­da­ble mate­rials; Èlia Vives who acted as a courier for tho­se who lived further afield; and all tho­se who orde­red a rose, espe­cially tho­se who, as a result of living far away or being una­ble to collect their roses, deci­ded to dona­te theirs to our cha­ri­ta­ble part­nership this year, the Geria­tric Gran Via Park in Bar­ce­lo­na. Their elderly resi­dents were incre­dibly happy with the lar­ge bou­quet of roses dona­ted by you and our organisation.

Finally, thanks to ever­yo­ne who hel­ped to orga­ni­se this (Auro­ra, Almu, Nuria and Raúl, and of cour­se the Bar­ce­lo­na Zoo­lo­gi­cal Park for allo­wing us to use their cen­tre as a base for offe­ring roses to their workers.

All the money rai­sed will go towards the cost of fee­ding the pri­ma­tes at Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes in the Congo.