It is so easy to help whi­le you tra­vel. SOS Pri­ma­tes sends calen­dars, lot­tery, piggy banks or dolls to seve­ral pla­ces whe­re we have sup­por­ti­ve peo­ple who help us dis­tri­bu­te this mate­rial. Plea­se let us know if you come or go to Bar­ce­lo­na from / or to the follo­wing cities or auto­no­mous regions: Lugo, Can­ta­bria, Madrid, Valen­cia, Este­po­na, Tene­ri­fe, (to help us save on ship­ping costs).

Kyun­gu, Uja­si­ri, and all the pri­ma­tes hou­sed in the CRPL, the cen­tre to which we des­ti­ne our dona­tions, want to thank you. As an exam­ple of soli­da­rity see this pho­to of our con­tri­bu­tor Mela­nie and Montse.

Thank you!