We are wai­ting to recei­ve exam­ples of reci­pes for cakes, bis­cuits, coo­kies, and pies in the sha­pe of pri­ma­tes. In the post, you can see the rules and the pri­ze, which will be totally per­so­na­li­sed, uni­que and ori­gi­nal. Get invol­ved and encou­ra­ge your family and friends to play the role of “cooks” and enter the com­pe­ti­tion. Soon we will pre­sent you with the panel of jud­ges who will eva­lua­te the sub­mis­sions. From the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes will be wat­ching this com­pe­ti­tion orga­ni­sed by SOS Pri­ma­tes.