As part of the trai­ning acti­vi­ties of SOS Pri­ma­tes, we were at the Palau Ausit Secon­dary School in Ripo­llet (Bar­ce­lo­na) whe­re our collea­gues Auro­ra Pazos and Raúl Cabre­ra sha­red a lec­tu­re with young peo­ple aged bet­ween 11 and 12 in two dif­fe­rent clas­ses, about the threats that pri­ma­tes suf­fer, the work of our NGO to sup­port the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes (Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Con­go) and what the­se young peo­ple can do to help pri­ma­tes. The talks are part of the trai­ning rela­ted to exter­nal enti­ties and we thank the school, and espe­cially the tea­chers Dàlia and Iris, for invi­ting us to talk to the­se young peo­ple who are the futu­re. They were very posi­ti­vely appreciated.

If you work in a school or ins­ti­tu­te and you think we can par­ti­ci­pa­te in one of the­se con­fe­ren­ces, plea­se con­tact us at