Today SOS Pri­ma­tes brings you its soli­da­rity cam­paign to rai­se funds for the Lwi­ro Pri­ma­te Reha­bi­li­ta­tion Cen­tre (CRPL), Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes through this new t‑shirt.

The model Belén Matheu posed sel­flessly for us. The pho­to­grapher was Delia Hur­ta­do ( Thanks to all the peo­ple invol­ved for having done so altruistically.

It is not just a T‑shirt. We want to draw atten­tion to the pro­blems affec­ting pri­ma­te spe­cies, 48% of them in dan­ger of extin­ction, some of them on the ver­ge of disap­pea­ring in all the con­ti­nents whe­re they live. With SOS Pri­ma­tes you will be colla­bo­ra­ting with the situa­tion of the pri­ma­tes of the RDCon­go, in Afri­ca, through the work carried out by the CRPL, which for them is a pla­ce whe­re they can live safely and in pea­ce, safe from poaching.

By making a dona­tion of 10 euros the T‑shirt will be yours (ship­ping not inclu­ded). Plea­se share.