Today is World Chim­pan­zee Day, and what bet­ter than to wish for an end to the threats (all cau­sed by humans) that are cau­sing a decli­ne in their popu­la­tions in their natu­ral habi­tats. Every living thing is a natu­ral trea­su­re not only of the country that hosts it but of huma­nity as a who­le. That is why we can­not bla­me Afri­can coun­tries har­bou­ring chim­pan­zees for loo­king the other way or for corrup­tion (although this is often true), also Wes­tern coun­tries have a great res­pon­si­bi­lity in their govern­men­tal poli­cies and in the actions of their citi­zens. Our wish is that no more orphans like Azi­za and Ushi­ri­ki arri­ve at the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes.

If you help SOS Pri­ma­tes you are hel­ping them. We take advan­ta­ge of this emble­ma­tic day to announ­ce that we already have a Christ­mas lot­tery and that you can order it from us either by post or by the NGO. For a dona­tion of 3 euros, you will have a sha­re. Are you going to miss the opportunity?

Orders and infor­ma­tion: