At SOS Pri­ma­tes, we have made fit­ted t‑shirts so that you can con­ti­nue to help the more than 220 orpha­ned pri­ma­tes of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes in the DR Con­go. With your dona­tion of 10 euros in exchan­ge for this T‑shirt, you are hel­ping a lot.

We hope you like the cam­paign sta­rring our friend and con­tri­bu­tor, the pro­fes­sio­nal model Belén Matheu who wears our t‑shirt beau­ti­fully. Thanks to Delia Hur­ta­do Foto­gra­fía for such mag­ni­fi­cent pho­tos. And to Shirly Nowak for making the poster. Thanks to all who have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in this cam­paign altruis­ti­cally, which is a great honour.

Order your T‑shirt at