We finished the day tired but very satis­fied with our par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the 5th edi­tion of the Fira de Enti­tats Ani­ma­lis­tes in Saba­dell, Bar­ce­lo­na. We have dis­tri­bu­ted infor­ma­tion, given a talk and collec­ted dona­tions from the peo­ple who have stop­ped by our stand. We want to thank the who­le orga­ni­sa­tion, espe­cially Lui­sa, for the exce­llent and care­ful treat­ment of our NGO. It is always a plea­su­re to attend the­se events.

Thanks to tho­se who have con­tri­bu­ted with dona­tions and our team of volun­teers: Xes­ca, Eli­sen­da, Juan and Raúl. Little Aisha and Pin­ga, orphans of the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes, also thank you on our behalf.