We were happy to sha­re the news with you today that the CRPL, Lwi­ro Pri­ma­tes was the win­ner by the num­ber of donors (842) in the Giving Day For Apes 2021. The Giving Day For Apes is an annual event to rai­se dona­tions in all the pri­ma­te sanc­tua­ries, and in which the money rai­sed will cover the fee­ding of more than 200 pri­ma­tes in the cen­tre for eight months. From SOS Pri­ma­tes we have done our part with 660 euros. Thanks to all of you who have helped!

Sadly, the killing of pri­ma­tes for their meat does not stop, and just yes­ter­day, a new orpha­ned baby arri­ved. He lost his mother and part of his group. He is a male, and his name is Tin­gi­tin­gi, res­cued from a group of sol­diers who had him illegally.

Help pri­ma­tes whe­re they need it most, in their coun­tries of ori­gin: beco­me an SOS Pri­ma­tes team mem­ber for only 1 euro/month. In addi­tion, it is tax-deduc­ti­ble. The­re are only 133 of us. Would you like to join our family? Click on the follo­wing link or wri­te to info@sosprimates.org

For more infor­ma­tion https://www.teaming.net/sos­pri­ma­tes.